FIMS (Pvt.) Ltd is a dynamic and progressive organization that provides services ranging from Corporate & Industrial Catering, to Event and Facility Management for various industries; including the Petroleum, Banking, IT & Educational sectors.
Recognised as one of the most reliable names in water treatment today, Chemco was established as a local partner for multinational water treatment chemical manufacturers looking to service the highly industrialized market in Pakistan.
The cornerstone of our philosophy at Infinity ES is to capitalize on a legacy of 70 years of providing quality educational services to Pakistani students – especially in Karachi.
Nasra Public School (NPS) was born in 2004 as a social enterprise with a mission to provide affordable quality education for K-12 boys and girls belonging to the low to mid income families of Karachi.
Established in 1949 and registered in 1950 under the Trust Act of 1882, Education Trust Nasra School (ETNS) started from a mere two rooms in Nasra Wazir Ali’s own home.